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UT BIBLE by ocr*flocutus   UT BIBLE by ocr*flocutus
[-bmb-tekbaron-], 02.04.2010 21:56
The 10 weapons in UT are your tools to make frags and defend yourself, so you should know them well.

.Damage/sDamage/hitRate of fireSplash/Range
Impact Hammer primary68h135h-90uu
Impact Hammer secondary41h30h1.35/s180uu
Enforcer primary70h25h2.8/s-
Enforcer secondary95h25h3.8/s-
Double Enforcer primary140h25h5.6/s-
Double Enforcer secondary190h25h7.6/s-
Bio Rifle primary230h60h3.84/s150uu
Bio Rifle secondary117h481.5h-250uu
Shock Rifle primary84h60h1.4/s-
Shock Rifle secondary172h82.5h2.1/s70uu
Shock Rifle Combo210h247.5h1.75/s250uu
Pulse Gun primary185h30h6.1/s-
Pulse Gun secondary114h--810uu
Ripper primary130h45h2.9/s-
Ripper headshot455h157h2.9/s-
Ripper secondary78h52h1.5/s180uu
Minigun primary140-234h15-22.5h10.4/s-
Minigun secondary169-281h15-22.5h12.5/s-
Flak Cannon primary269h192h1.4/s-
Flak Cannon secondary284h225h1.1/s150uu
Rocket Launcher primary135h112.5h1.2/s220uu
Rocket Launcher secondary144h120h1.2/s200uu
Sniper Rifle 115h67.5h1.7/s-
Sniper Rifle headshot255h150h1.7/s-

To clarify 1 thing from the beginning, only the ripper primary and the sniper rifle can do headshots. With all the other weapons it doesn`t matter where you hit. A headshot is a hit in the upper third of the player model.
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