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UT BIBLE by ocr*flocutus   UT BIBLE by ocr*flocutus
Weapons - Bio Rifle
[-bmb-tekbaron-], 02.04.2010 21:58
Damage/hit:60h primary direct hit
.481.5hsecondary direct hit
Time until charged:4.1ssecondary
Splash radius:150uuprimary

The bio rifle behaves a bit like a grenade launcher. It shoots green slime, flying in a a ballistic curve towards the ground. But unlike grenades the green slime sticks to the ground and the walls, exploding if you shoot at it with an explosive weapon, when getting in contact with a player or after 4 seconds,
With the secondary fire you can charge the weapon up, so that you shoot a big slime ball, that collapses into 10 smaller ones (you also need 10 ammo). This weapon is often underestimated, because it´s not easy to hit with it, but if you hit with a big secondary slime ball your opponent is dead, even if he had 199 health and 150 armor.
The big advantage of the bio rifle compared to the other chargeable weapons (piston and RL) is that you don´t emit any additional sounds once it is charged, so you can ambush your opponent. You shouldn´t get too close though, because like with every explosive weapon there is a splash effect, fully charged as big as that of a combo, so you can easily kill yourself. But sometimes even that is a good option, as long as you take your opponent with you, kamikaze style.
With the primary fire you can inflict a lot of damage/second, but it`s not easy to hit, not even on close distance. The primary mode is much more useful to block an entrance, an elevator or a teleporter exit for a short time or to retreat around corners shooting goo.
All in all this is a very specialised, tactical gun, I wouldn´t use it in a normal gunfight.

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