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UT BIBLE by ocr*flocutus   UT BIBLE by ocr*flocutus
[-bmb-tekbaron-], 02.04.2010 22:07
Some general information about Unreal Tournament. Nothing you will need to play the game, but nice to know.
air acceleration: 35%
air control: no

player height: 78uu
player width: 38uu
size of the headshotzone: 26 x 38uu (upper third of the player)

walking speed: 160uu
running speed: 400uu
dodging speed: 600uu

jump height: 67uu
jumping height when walking: 56uu
jumping height with boots: 605uu
jumping height when dodging: 32uu

all jumping heights are taken from hardcore mode, which are 1.21 times higher than those in normal mode.weapon switch time: 800 ms

armor value:
thight pads: 50
body armor: 100
shield belt: 150

absorption rate:
thigh pads: 50%
body armor: 75%
shield belt: 100%

health value:
health pack: 20
health vial: +5
big keg of health: +100

maximum health: 199
maximum armor: 150 (200 with shield bug)
Rating: RatingRatingRatingRatingRating Total 1 Votes!

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